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Friday, June 10, 2011

Re: Detour Rt 43 Winton and 41 Este ave

Detour lifted

>>> Brenda Bingamon 6/10/2011 2:55 PM >>>
Due to an auto accident on Este the route 43 Winton and Rt 41 will need
to detour as follows:

Rt 43 Winton


Via Este layover
R) Este
R) Seymour
R) VIne
R) Township
L) Este to reg rt.

Via Este
R) Township
L) Vine
L) Seymour
L) Este to layover

Rt 41 Westbound

Via Seymour
L) VIne
R) Township onto Center HIll to reg rt.


VIa Center HIll continue onto Township
L) Vine
R) Seymour to reg rt.

RCC will advise when clear.


Brenda Bingamon