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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

FW: detour Rt 6 & 20 FC Cincinnati soccer game



From: Tanisha Stewart <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 5:34 PM
To: Kim's Team <>; Adrienne T. Hollyfield <>; Brian K. Smith <>; Calvin Johnson <>; Curtis J. Hudson <>; Damien Scearce <>; Darrell Hood <>; Jaynell Todd <>; Kenneth Laake <>; Keyunna M. Barton <>; Kim Wyatt <>; Lucien Carter <>; Marcus French <>; Melvin L. Thomas <>; Michael A. Jones <>; Mike P. Ryan <>; Nicole Pearson <>; Paul Johnson <>; Reginald E. Faulkner <>; Richard L. Knight <>; Ronald Province <>; Samuel L. Burkhart <>; Shannon McKenzie <>; Tim McCulley <>; Weldon Dawson <>; Winfred S. White <>
Subject: detour Rt 6 & 20 FC Cincinnati soccer game


FC Cincinnati detour

Route 6 Inbound ONLY

Via Central Pkwy

L- Liberty

R- Race

R- Central Pkwy

L- Plum


Route 20 Inbound ONLY

Via Central Pkwy

L- Liberty

R- Race

L- Central Pkwy

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