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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Detour for the Rt. 41

Langdon Farm between Seymour & Wiehe is blocked due to a water main break and will be closed until Thursday. Temporary bus stop signs are posted. The route 41 will detour as follows:

Via Seymour
L- Reading ( temp sign by McDonald's mid- block)
R- Losantiville
R- Wiehe ( temp sign at corner of Losantiville & Wiehe (UDF)
L- Rosedale
L- Stover
R- Losantiville

Via Losantiville
L- Elbrook
R- Chuck Harmon Way ( the street is Rosedale, 1 block is called Chuck Harmon Way)
R- Wiehe
L- Losantiville (temp sign opposite UDF, and a closed Dry Cleaners)
L- Reading
R- Seymour

R.c.c. will advise when clear.
