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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Govt. Sq closure 3/25/2015

Govt. Sq Area A, B & C Closed
Starting Wednesday March 25th, 2015
On Wednesday the square will be closed from 9am-4pm -back open that evening.
On Thursday the square will close at 9am and will remain closed until Wednesday the following week.

Inbound Via Walnut, L- 5th

Rt. 11 - will board on 5th between Main & Sycamore
L- Broadway
L- 6th
R- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 12X - will board in Area E
L- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 33 - will board in Area E
L- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 17 - will board in Area E
L- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 19 - will board in Area E
L- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 24 - will board on 5th between Main & Sycamore
L- Broadway
L- 6th
R- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 71 - will now board in Area E
L- Main
to reg. rt.

Rt. 43 - will board on 5th between Main & Sycamore
L- Broadway
L- 6th
R- Main
to reg. rt

Rt. 46 - will board on 5th between Main & Sycamore
L- Broadway
L- 6th
R- Main
to reg. rt

Rt. 20 - will board on 5th between Main & Sycamore
L- Broadway
L- 6th
R- Main
to reg. rt

A temporary stop will be located on 5th East of Main – Rt.11, 24, 43, 46, 20
Area E will service – Rt. 2X pm, 3X pm, 12X 17, 19, 25X pm, 30X, 33, 71X & 81X
Area F will service – Rt. 1, 27, 28, 29X, 49, 75X, 82X
Area G will service – Rt. 6, 16, 32, 40X, 67, 77X
Area H will service - Routes 2X am, 3 am, 4 & Metro*Plus